Elizabeth May Individual actions are important because in any democracy, citizens need to feel agency. If you feel powerless, totally powerless, it’s psychologically dangerous. – Elizabeth May Actions Quotes Agency Quotes Citizens Quotes Dangerous Quotes Democracy Quotes Feel Quotes Individual Quotes Powerless Quotes Psychologically Quotes Totally Quotes Whether we make it a condition or just through persuasion or just through popular support, whatever it takes, we really do need to shift through a system of voting where the way the Canadian public votes is the way the Canadian Parliament is formed after the election. If we’re serious about our kids having a livable world, building fossil fuel infrastructure in 2018 is a sign of deep negligence, which is the kindest thing I can say about it.
Robert Green With goalkeepers, when a team looks for a keeper, it looks for someone with experience. – Robert Green
HealthVikram Patel Mental health can improve overall well-being and prevent other illnesses. And since mental health problems have a serious economic impact on vulnerable communities, making them a priority can save lives and markedly improve people’s quality of life. – Vikram Patel
ArtFreedomLeadershipPierre Nanterme The art of leadership is not to spend your time measuring, evaluating. It’s all about selecting the person. And if you believe you selected the right person, then you give that person the freedom, the authority, the delegation to innovate and to lead with some very simple measure. – Pierre Nanterme
Melvyn Bragg Craig has explored the darker recesses of 007’s psyche. He has shown us the lonely man. And he has shown him falling truly in love. – Melvyn Bragg
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