Michael Mandelbaum Inequality of any kind, once considered a normal, natural part of human existence, came to be seen in the course of the twentieth century as increasingly illegitimate. – Michael Mandelbaum Century Quotes Considered Quotes Existence Quotes Human Quotes Illegitimate Quotes Increasingly Quotes Inequality Quotes Natural Quotes Normal Quotes Twentieth Quotes Read the news section of the newspaper and there is confusion and uncertainty, a world buffeted by large forces people neither understand nor control. But turn to the sports section and it’s all different. American influence in the world is certainly considerable, but the United States does not control, directly or indirectly, the politics and economics of other societies, as empires have always done, save for a few special cases that turn out to be the exceptions that prove the rule.
Richard E Grant The fashion world is much more ephemeral than the film industry and moves at a faster pace, and it’s got even more frenetic since the Nineties; more paparazzi hanging about and it seems to me there are even more fashion magazines. – Richard E Grant
John Shelton Reed Southern barbecue is the closest thing we have in the U.S. to Europe’s wines or cheeses; drive a hundred miles and the barbecue changes. – John Shelton Reed
Kenyon Martin People don’t know. People are ignorant. They feel that if you stutter, then you’re slow or whatnot. – Kenyon Martin
Hugh Masekela The thing that is being lost is heritage. In Africa, religion and advertisement and television and media hype have gotten Africans to where they are convinced psychologically that their own heritage is heathen, pagan, barbaric, savage, primitive. – Hugh Masekela
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