Stacy Schiff Insofar as there is an anxiety of influence for a biographer, it may be that each new book is undertaken in reaction to the previous book. – Stacy Schiff Anxiety Quotes Biographer Quotes Book Quotes Influence Quotes Previous Quotes Reaction Quotes Undertaken Quotes I checked to see if there’d been a really good book published in the last few decades. Then I started with what Cleopatra would have read, asking myself, ‘What can we know about her education?’ It turns out to be a very great deal, and bizarrely, no one had written about that before. No one sits on the stoop when she’s a kid and thinks, ‘I want to be a biographer when I grow up.’
Ellen Key Ambition has developed into a passion which drives women, as well as men, to great works – and small deeds. Formerly competitors in the race for men, they are now competing in the race for social tasks and distinctions. – Ellen Key
Marine Le Pen Brexit has really broken a taboo. The Brits have shown us that you can leave the European Union, and you can come out better. – Marine Le Pen
FamousHayley Atwell When actors get a bad name for diva behavior – I’ve never seen it. Because my experience with people who are really famous actors is that they work really hard. – Hayley Atwell
Alvin Leung There always needs to be some excitement and some peace and quiet – otherwise you’ll have a heart attack. – Alvin Leung
Frank A ClarkParenting A baby is born with a need to be loved – and never outgrows it. – Frank A Clark
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