Jenny Nimmo Inspiration comes from the world around me. I’m an inveterate eavesdropper. – Jenny Nimmo Eavesdropper Quotes Inspiration Quotes Inveterate Quotes I work in a room overlooking the river. I try to get to my desk as soon as I’ve fed my cats and chickens. I use a blue 3B pencil and scribble away for about 20 pages before transferring it to the computer. I had written two or three books before my husband noticed that in every one of them a family member was missing. He suggested that it was because my father’s death, when I was five, utterly changed my world. I can only suppose he is right and that this is the reason I am drawn to a narrative where someone’s life is changed by loss.
Nancy Kress For the professional writer, stories must be presented as a series of individual scenes, each one dramatized with dialogue and telling descriptions of who is present and what they’re all doing. – Nancy Kress
Al Roker I have one of those Garmin watches, and I’m OCD about downloading my runs no matter where I go. I used it on an 18-mile run in Paris, a 12-miler in the mountains of Montana, a couple of runs in the Bahamas. Wherever I am, I try to run. That’s what’s so great about it. – Al Roker
Ron Livingston I saw ‘The Shining’ really young. I don’t think it scarred me, but I had a paper route, and I delivered to some apartment buildings, and it made it a little scary to walk down those hallways. – Ron Livingston
Mike Braun Safeguarding life at every stage is a solemn responsibility, and one Hoosiers entrusted me to uphold. – Mike Braun
Jerry Lee Lewis I’ve learned to be one of the hardheadedest cats in the world. I’ve learned that. – Jerry Lee Lewis
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