Doug Stanton Instead of large-scale occupations, we should rely on small units of Special Forces who have proved it’s infinitely more effective to work with a country’s soldiers and citizens at eye level. – Doug Stanton Citizens Quotes Countrys Quotes Effective Quotes Eye Quotes Forces Quotes Infinitely Quotes Largescale Quotes Level Quotes Occupations Quotes Proved Quotes Rely Quotes Soldiers Quotes Special Quotes Units Quotes I’m really interested in how people face existential crises and either overcome them or don’t, and in how the human psyche responds. Robert Frost had a house in Bennington, Vermont, and I had a friend, the poet Mary Ruefle, who was the caretaker of it when it was owned by Norman Lear, the TV producer. She got a grant to go to Scotland, and she had to be gone six or nine months, so I moved in, and my job was just to make sure the ravage didn’t overtake the place.
Joel Salatin We can’t begin to feed ourselves with a local-centric system if we lock up land in royal manor models. – Joel Salatin
Keiynan Lonsdale I suffered a lot from social anxiety, and being on set was really scary to me. That fear can cause limits in your art and your performance because you’re not going all in because there is this little thing in your head. – Keiynan Lonsdale
Nayeon Being in the public eye and basically growing up in the spotlight, we are always responsible for our actions. – Nayeon
Samuel Butler The man who lets himself be bored is even more contemptible than the bore. – Samuel Butler
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