Evelyn Waugh Instead of this absurd division into sexes they ought to class people as static and dynamic. – Evelyn Waugh Absurd Quotes Class Quotes Division Quotes Dynamic Quotes People Quotes Sexes Quotes Static Quotes All this fuss about sleeping together. For physical pleasure I’d sooner go to my dentist any day. I haven’t been to sleep for over a year. That’s why I go to bed early. One needs more rest if one doesn’t sleep.
Abiy Ahmed I don’t have any clue about the criteria, how the Nobel committee selects an individual for the prize. – Abiy Ahmed
Aaron Sorkin Trying to guess what the (mass) audience wants and then trying to satisfy that is usually a bad recipe for getting something good. – Aaron Sorkin
Luke James My mother didn’t baby me, and I think that helped me out thus far to keep my drive and my hunger. I don’t take ‘no’ for an answer. – Luke James
H P Lovecraft I am essentially a recluse who will have very little to do with people wherever he may be. I think that most people only make me nervous – that only by accident, and in extremely small quantities, would I ever be likely to come across people who wouldn’t. – H P Lovecraft
Celeste Ng I am not a contest-enterer by nature. But contests – and their entry fees – are often the main way literary journals raise money to, you know, publish their issues. So entering contests helps support the journal, which also helps support the writers they publish. – Celeste Ng
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