Naguib Mahfouz Insults are the business of the court. – Naguib Mahfouz Business Quotes Court Quotes Insults Quotes It is simply not part of my culture to preserve notes. I have never heard of a writer preserving his early drafts. In Egypt today most people are concerned with getting bread to eat. Only some of the educated understand how democracy works.
MenSocratesTime Employ your time in improving yourself by other men’s writings, so that you shall gain easily what others have labored hard for. – Socrates
AgeDeathSeamus Heaney I’m not personally obsessed with death. At a certain age, the light that you live in is inhabited by the shades – it ’tis. – Seamus Heaney
CourageDrew Gilpin Faust When I was growing up in Virginia, the Civil War was presented to me as glorious with dramatic courage and military honor. Later, I realized how death was central to the reality. It was at the core of women’s lives. It’s what they talked about most. – Drew Gilpin Faust
Mayte GarciaWedding If you have a guy over, and there’s a whole bunch of china from your wedding, it’s not a good idea. – Mayte Garcia
Dave Gahan I really believe that the more distractions and fixes I remove from my life, the better I’ll feel about myself. The biggest of those is Depeche Mode. It’s the one marriage that survived, but I’m not sure it works – for me, anyway. Jumping on a plane to go somewhere else and be told how wonderful I am doesn’t feel good any more. – Dave Gahan
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