Martin Shkreli Invariably, when people read the headline about Martin Shkreli, they hate Martin Shkreli. When they get to know Martin Shkreli, they love Martin Shkreli. – Martin Shkreli Hate Quotes Headline Quotes Invariably Quotes Love Quotes Martin Quotes People Quotes Read Quotes Shkreli Quotes My investors expect me to maximize profits. Who else is putting seven figures down for unreleased rap tracks?
Jim Bishop A good writer is not, per se, a good book critic. No more so than a good drunk is automatically a good bartender. – Jim Bishop
Amrita Rao I had trained in Hindustani classical singing and my mother thought I could become a playback singer, but I always wanted to become an actor. – Amrita Rao
Jonathan Lethem I’d have been a filmmaker or a cartoonist or something else which extended from the visual arts into the making of narratives if I hadn’t been able to shift into fiction. – Jonathan Lethem
HistoryMichael Specter The history of agriculture is the history of humans breeding seeds and animals to produce traits we want in our crops and livestock. – Michael Specter
Prachi Desai I don’t get time to take care of my skin or hair but I sincerely advise everyone to do that. – Prachi Desai
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