Mohamed El-Erian Investors should be cautiously positioned as the global economy and markets face major uncertainties. The downgrade will be a further headwind to growth and job creation in the U.S. – Mohamed El-Erian Cautiously Quotes Creation Quotes Downgrade Quotes Economy Quotes Global Quotes Growth Quotes Headwind Quotes Investors Quotes Job Quotes Major Quotes Markets Quotes Positioned Quotes Uncertainties Quotes As a whole, investors should welcome attempts to safeguard the integrity of markets. You need very clear rules applied to markets. The once-unthinkable loss of the AAA rating will constitute a further hit to already fragile business and consumer confidence.
Lyall Watson Even in the lives of fishes, sensation is seldom a matter of one thing or another. Senses overlap. The lines between them often tend to be blurred, and the best that we can manage, by way of description from the outside, is to say that the senses of fishes appear to dominate one at a time. – Lyall Watson
Marc Guggenheim The term ‘Consulting Producer’ is extraordinarily nebulous in TV, and it really means something different depending on the show and the specific circumstances negotiated. – Marc Guggenheim
Steven Burd The most challenging part of being CEO is communicating to 200,000 people what you want done. – Steven Burd
Matt Hasselbeck I would say I’m very surprised it went down the way it did. I thought it was a possibility, but when I left for vacation, I definitely didn’t think I would come back as not a member of the Titans. But we had a difference of the opinion somewhere along the way. – Matt Hasselbeck
Justin Tucker I’ve been known to drop the occasional mix tape here and there back in my collegiate days. – Justin Tucker
Jennifer Winget I love social media. It’s nice to share a side of me that people don’t generally get to see or know about. I want them to know me, beyond my characters. – Jennifer Winget
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