Henry SpencerSpace Is manned space exploration important? Yes – not least because it simply works much better than sending robots. – Henry Spencer Exploration Quotes Manned Quotes Robots Quotes Sending Quotes Simply Quotes Space Quotes Supplying fuel for a Mars expedition from the lunar surface is often suggested, but it’s hard to make it pay off – Moon bases are expensive, and just buying more rockets to launch fuel from Earth is relatively cheap. Discipline means to prevent everything in your life from being filled up. Discipline means that somewhere you’re not occupied, and certainly not preoccupied. In the spiritual life, discipline means to create that space in which something can happen that you hadn’t planned or counted on.
Manny MUA I’m a beauty person on YouTube, and I’m very, very, very hyper-aware of things, and I like to dive into products and just really go in and hone in on products – whether I think they’re worth the money or not. – Manny MUA
Nicki Minaj I vowed that I’d never allow any man to control me or to be an alcoholic or anything like that around me, because I don’t want my children seeing that. – Nicki Minaj
Gautam Rode I have always donned different looks going with the requirement of the roles I played. – Gautam Rode
Chanda Kochhar One thing I would say about the Indian consumer is that as much change and as much technology, innovation that you offer to the Indian consumer, the Indian consumer is very receptive and actually keep expecting more, and we have had that great experience. – Chanda Kochhar
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