A B Yehoshua Israelis are the total Jews. – A B Yehoshua Israelis Quotes Jews Quotes Total Quotes Israel is too attached to America, too influenced by America. It should be connected to Europe. America is based on mythology – the free man, the individual, the open frontier. Europe is more conscious of history. Take Britain and Shakespeare. You shape your identity through history. The literary trappings and moralizing of science fiction I find insufficiently compelling.
FamousMario Balotelli When I wasn’t famous, I had a lot of friends, almost all of them Italian. The racism only started when I started to play football. – Mario Balotelli
Michael D Barnes They have some pretty tough gun laws in Japan, as they do in any other civilized country in the world, and they’re not killing each other off with firearms. You have very violent films in Europe, yet it’s not causing the mayhem we see in our streets routinely here. – Michael D Barnes
Anne Applebaum Russian scorn for liberal democracy has a long history, and a certain kind of Russian disdain for the West is nothing new. As far back as 1920, Lenin declared that parliaments were ‘historically obsolete’ and predicted that it was just a matter of time before they disappeared. – Anne Applebaum
Harold H Greene For a while, even in the house of good friends for dinner or for cocktails, they would really be upset. They thought I had single-handedly destroyed the best phone service in the world. – Harold H Greene
Giggs My whole life in the streets, I was taught not to answer questions and just keep my mouth shut. – Giggs
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