GoodLatrell SprewellLove It always feels good to come back here. I love New York… it’s just nice to see a lot of familiar faces. – Latrell Sprewell Familiar Quotes Feels Quotes Latrell Sprewell Quotes Lot Quotes Love Quotes Nice Quotes York Quotes We can choose to wake up and grumble all day and be bitter and angry and judge others and find satisfaction in others doing bad instead of good. Or we can we wake up with optimism and love and say, ‘Just what is this beautiful day going to bring me?’ I love glamour and being sexy and dressing up, and I think it’s good to be confident.
Morley Safer What has reality shows got to do with reality? It is beyond unreality; there is nothing real about it. – Morley Safer
Neil Macdonald For a journalist working in Gaza or the Occupied Territories, a PRESS badge offers limited protection at best. For a Palestinian journalist, it clearly offers none at all. – Neil Macdonald
Stacey Dash When you’ve got education, you’ve got knowledge and power and confidence to go out in the world. – Stacey Dash
Ronnie Montrose When you have a life-threatening illness like cancer, and you’re faced with the alternative, it gives doing whatever it is you do a much sweeter taste. – Ronnie Montrose
Sabrina Claudio There’s such a theme when it comes to Christmas, and we’re so used to hearing that theme over and over in different ways with the classic Christmas songs. – Sabrina Claudio
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