AloneBilly IdolMoney It doesn’t matter about money; having it, not having it. Or having clothes, or not having them. You’re still left alone with yourself in the end. – Billy Idol Billy Idol Quotes Clothes Quotes Left Quotes Matter Quotes Money Quotes One of my favorite things to do is to play music really loud and dance my butt off in the morning. I’ll do it alone in my apartment. You can’t have a bad day after that. Deliberation is the work of many men. Action, of one alone.
John Fusco My son, Gio, wanted to do a horseback trip in Mongolia, but he didn’t want to do an Abercrombie & Fitch-type tour, where they show you around while you sleep in B&Bs. – John Fusco
Charles R Swindoll I know of nothing more valuable, when it comes to the all-important virtue of authenticity, than simply being who you are. – Charles R Swindoll
Retief Goosen I mean, to win a major, you’ve got to be a good player and you’ve got to get your breaks, as well, to win. – Retief Goosen
Scott Eastwood I don’t discriminate against any fans. Fans are fans, and gay men are great. I support gay marriage and the whole bit. I think everybody should be able to be with who they want to be with. – Scott Eastwood
Douglas Brunt I prefer a change of surroundings anyway, and I like to be around some energy and white noise, so I usually go to a Barnes & Noble cafe or to the library on 5th and 42nd. In the afternoons, I do research, reading, editing, and play with the kids. – Douglas Brunt
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