Martin Garrix It doesn’t matter how tired I am; I will always still be happy. As soon as you go onstage, you get adrenaline. You hear the crowd: they’re screaming your name. They have posters. The energy gives you energy. – Martin Garrix Adrenaline Quotes Crowd Quotes Energy Quotes Happy Quotes Hear Quotes Matter Quotes Onstage Quotes Posters Quotes Screaming Quotes Tired Quotes I’m a computer nerd. I’m behind my computer, like, 12 hours a day making new music. I would love to work with Pharrell one day. Like, my biggest dream.
FreedomMustafa Kemal Ataturk I am mortal. I want the nation to get used to freedom before I die. – Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
Peter Carey Writers, at least writers of fiction, are always full of anxiety and worry. – Peter Carey
Darren Till I’m not the strongest, I’m not this amazing wrestler, but I believe the skills I’ve honed over a period of time – my stand up, my takedown defence, the way I position myself on the ground – I just believe I can be the full package. – Darren Till
Ari Graynor I was made fun of for being fat from fourth or fifth grade to eighth grade. That was pretty rough. – Ari Graynor
Keith Barry My first TV show was 2003. You wouldn’t be in the game this long if you were using stooges and actors and all that kind of stuff; quite honestly, the answer is we don’t need them. – Keith Barry
Ada Louise Huxtable Summer is the time when one sheds one’s tensions with one’s clothes, and the right kind of day is jeweled balm for the battered spirit. A few of those days and you can become drunk with the belief that all’s right with the world. – Ada Louise Huxtable
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