Roger Federer It doesn’t need to be the same every day, doesn’t need to be the same shower I use, the same restaurant I go to, the same hour I go to sleep. I’ve always been very flexible. I don’t care if I practice at nine in the morning or 10 P.M. – Roger Federer Care Quotes Day Quotes Flexible Quotes Hour Quotes Morning Quotes Practice Quotes Restaurant Quotes Shower Quotes Sleep Quotes We can’t always agree on everything. I feel a bit awkward playing in a red shirt out at Wimbledon. But I don’t dislike it.
Robson Green When I looked at the family tree and at where my ancestors lived, it was places like Rothbury and Tropton! I was going, ‘No, that can’t be the reason why I feel so at home there.’ But could it be in my DNA? It’s kind of shocking. – Robson Green
EJ Johnson After I got all the love and support from my family then I knew I could go out and conquer the world, I guess. – EJ Johnson
Mark Hughes My job as a manager is to get the best out of your players. Sometimes you get it wrong, and you won’t get the response that you want, but we all face that every single day. – Mark Hughes
Susana Martinez I have to deliver the results I promised because, as the first Hispanic female governor, I’m going to pave a path of some kind. I want it to be one that little Hispanic girls will want to follow. – Susana Martinez
FearMarriageRatan Tata I came seriously close to getting married four times, and each time I backed off in fear or for one reason or another. Each occasion was different, but in hindsight when I look at the people involved, it wasn’t a bad thing what I did. I think it may have been more complex had the marriage taken place. – Ratan Tata
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