Gabriel Batistuta It goes without saying that I love the game, the tactics, the training, and everything that happens on the pitch. – Gabriel Batistuta Game Quotes Love Quotes Pitch Quotes Tactics Quotes Training Quotes Although I have never won a major trophy, I consider myself a winner because I helped Fiorentina to compete with the big boys. I’ve always considered Florence as my girlfriend. I don’t have to explain my love for this city.
Lisa Snowdon I really only ever go on sun holidays so in my experience I prepare myself for the beach. – Lisa Snowdon
Jean Nidetch You have to make the decision to lose weight in your head, not your stomach. – Jean Nidetch
John Noble There’s a certain pattern that exists with geniuses – an eccentricity, a lack of social graces and an inability to really communicate with mere mortals. – John Noble
FoodMaya Angelou I’m just someone who likes cooking and for whom sharing food is a form of expression. – Maya Angelou
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