Natalie Massenet It is a changing world with changing opportunities. – Natalie Massenet Changing Quotes Opportunities Quotes What seems like a crazy idea today eventually grows. It’s a ‘with hindsight’ thing. One day, someone will turn around and say, ‘That was genius.’ My father always had people around the house who were famous psychics.
Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman I never really felt like I quite fit in. Other boys were playing sports and into hunting and stereotypically masculine activities. I was always more attracted to the arts. I loved to dance, I loved to sing, and I always knew I would be an actor. I don’t really know why. – Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman
Hans Vestberg For us, it is very important all the time that our core business is really good but that we don’t stop moving. – Hans Vestberg
Gina McKee I’m extremely self-critical. Although I try not to be ridiculous about it, wearing horsehair shirts and all that. It’s a private exercise I don’t necessarily share with other people. – Gina McKee
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