Brian Stelter It is an honor to take the helm of ‘Reliable Sources,’ the very best of a very small number of programs about the media’s role in society. – Brian Stelter Helm Quotes Honor Quotes Medias Quotes Programs Quotes Reliable Quotes Role Quotes Society Quotes Sources Quotes There’s a gender gap throughout television and it’s very pronounced in morning TV since these shows are mostly meant for women. I would not leave the ‘Times’ for a television job.
Doug Ducey The threat from radical Islamic jihadists is real and needs to be taken seriously. – Doug Ducey
Jim Cantalupo Some of the analysts were saying, Now you’re a cash cow, there’s no growth at all, pay it all out in dividends, give me it all, you can’t invest wisely. – Jim Cantalupo
AttitudeGraham Chapman All ideas come about through some sort of observation. It sparks an attitude; some object or emotion causes a reaction in the other person. – Graham Chapman
Jason Taylor I’ve always been a guy that has a high pain threshold and also refused to accept not trying, or losing, based on being uncomfortable or in pain. – Jason Taylor
Lita Ford I think it gets boring (for the audience) for the lead singer to have a guitar hanging on them all the time. – Lita Ford
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