Ana Kasparian It is frustrating that religion in general includes components that treat women as a support system for a man rather than a leader or equal player in the relationship. – Ana Kasparian Components Quotes Equal Quotes Frustrating Quotes Includes Quotes Leader Quotes Player Quotes Relationship Quotes Religion Quotes Support Quotes Treat Quotes Women Quotes I can’t pretend I’m some robot that’s always neutral. I need to share my opinion – and sometimes aggressively so. The only time the issue of abortion ever comes up – and you’ll notice this pattern – is when there’s a presidential election coming around. When there’s a presidential election, all of a sudden, ‘Oh my God, we care so much about the babies.’
Michelle Steel As former Chairwoman of the Orange County Board of Supervisors, I helped manage our local freeways, busses, and wastewater infrastructure. – Michelle Steel
Betty Parsons There are three things we have no control over: our birth; our emotions, if we’re sincere; and our death. – Betty Parsons
Alfie Allen My mum wouldn’t do a film for money. She does it as a passion. That’s why she’s involved in things that are so brilliant. She really cares about what she does. – Alfie Allen
Gregg Allman My father was murdered when I was two. Duane, even though he was only a year and 18 days my elder, he became a father figure to me. I would have done anything for my brother – I loved him so much. – Gregg Allman
Ken Howard I’ve always been entranced when it came to musical comedy; it’s probably my favorite thing. It’s a real true American form, and it’s big, like Shakespeare big, when it’s right. It’s loud, and it’s big: you have to be ready vocally and physically. It can bring people to their feet and can be as thrilling as a circus. – Ken Howard
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