Nelson Piquet It is going to be special to drive in the Netherlands because it means I can take part in a Formula One demonstration in a country where I have a lot of family and friends. – Nelson Piquet Country Quotes Demonstration Quotes Drive Quotes Family Quotes Formula Quotes Friends Quotes Lot Quotes Netherlands Quotes Special Quotes After hurting myself like that, I could not go back immediately to racing. I was in no condition, mentally or physically. That helped me to strengthen myself to go through the hard times that were ahead with my business, and to be successful.
Phil Condit In simple terms, we are aligning our business today with the way we believe future systems are going to be designed, acquired and maintained. – Phil Condit
EqualityPeter Hitchens Average male pay is higher than average female pay for a simple reason. Despite decades of enforced equality, women still have babies, and men still don’t. So women who wish to spend any substantial time at all with their own offspring will fall behind in their careers, and their earnings will be less. – Peter Hitchens
Susan L Taylor We don’t have time to waste. Our communities are crumbling; our children are under siege. Failing schools and a for-profit prison-industrial complex are sucking the life out of black homes and communities. We are not going down like this! – Susan L Taylor
Anand Mahindra Life has an interesting way of teaching even the most powerful people that joy from wealth is fleeting at best. – Anand Mahindra
Jessica Brown Findlay Before I go on stage, I knock three times. Three is my lucky number; I once went into an audition and was number 333 and got the best part ever. – Jessica Brown Findlay
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