Rodney Frelinghuysen It is important for me to personally visit Superfund sites to assess the progress being made. – Rodney Frelinghuysen Assess Quotes Personally Quotes Progress Quotes Sites Quotes Superfund Quotes Visit Quotes New Jersey has more Superfund sites than other state in the nation, but considerable progress has been made. When the USS New Jersey is commissioned, it will be a source of pride for everyone in our state for decades.
Douglas Horton If wishes were fishes we’d all be throwing nets. If wishes were horses we’d all ride. – Douglas Horton
Simon Beaufoy As a child growing up in a grey-skied Yorkshire village, I would occasionally happen upon a Bollywood movie on the television. After a few minutes watching a bunch of sari-clad dancers cavorting on a Swiss mountain to tuneless music, I would switch over to some proper drama about housing estates and single mothers. – Simon Beaufoy
Christine Taylor I like circle time and school drop-off. And I like that I have kids still willing to hold my hand. – Christine Taylor
Haim Saban Take it from this immigrant from Israel, a proud Israeli-American, born in Egypt, a Muslim country: America is great. Not perfect, but great. And we shouldn’t allow any rhetoric to make us think otherwise, because America is great – period. – Haim Saban
Carrie Brownstein My father was hard to know and gave little indication that there was much to know. He claimed he remembered almost nothing about his childhood. – Carrie Brownstein
Gabriel Jesus I was very happy to have the opportunity of getting to know Manchester. It’s such a good city. – Gabriel Jesus
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