Karamo Brown It is important to remember that if we treat people who could be allies as enemies, we can only alienate them from our cause. – Karamo Brown Alienate Quotes Allies Quotes Enemies Quotes People Quotes Remember Quotes Treat Quotes In 2007, I discovered I was a father to a little boy who I did not know about. After being on MTV’s ‘The Real World’ and traveling the world, I was greeted by a stack of papers on my doorstep informing me that I had a child. It’s been more than a decade since ‘The Real World: Philadelphia’ aired. I’ve grown up. My views have evolved, as has the media landscape.
Eddie Murphy You know, making a movie is a collaborative effort and sometimes all the ingredients don’t work out. I know that every now and again I am going to make a movie that won’t work. – Eddie Murphy
Laura Schlessinger Research indicates that most women want their man to earn more than they do. – Laura Schlessinger
Louis MacNeice I would have a poet able bodied, fond of talking, a reader of the newspapers, capable of pity and laughter, informed in economics, appreciative of women, involved in personal relationships, actively interested in politics, susceptible to physical impressions. – Louis MacNeice
John Breaux But we made a decision based on the fact that we have been up there a long time and that we feel that the seniority is important to the people of Louisiana. – John Breaux
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