George MacDonald It is our best work that God wants, not the dregs of our exhaustion. I think he must prefer quality to quantity. – George MacDonald Dregs Quotes Exhaustion Quotes God Quotes Prefer Quotes Quality Quotes Quantity Quotes We die daily. Happy those who daily come to life as well. The first thing a kindness deserves is acceptance, the second, transmission.
Mandy Harvey I found my way back into music and realized that it’s not that the music went away after losing my hearing, I just get the privilege of enjoying it and experiencing it differently. – Mandy Harvey
James Caan What’s the difference between sex and love? I have four wives and five kids. I apparently don’t know the difference. – James Caan
Grayson Perry Early on, my way of teasing the art world was by playing at being accessible. Like making pottery: I thought people would buy that for Christmas presents. – Grayson Perry
Grace Slick Woodstock is well known because this country is so hyped on amount. It was big. Half a million people doesn’t necessarily mean something is good. It just means it’s big. – Grace Slick
Dahyun My most prized possession would have to be ‘Trick It.’ I did rap here and there with some songs before, but ‘Trick It’ was my first time challenging myself to write lyrics from beginning to end. – Dahyun
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