Coretta Scott King It is plain that we don’t care about our poor people except to exploit them as cheap labor and victimize them through excessive rents and consumer prices. – Coretta Scott King Care Quotes Cheap Quotes Consumer Quotes Excessive Quotes Exploit Quotes Labor Quotes People Quotes Plain Quotes Poor Quotes Prices Quotes Rents Quotes Victimize Quotes I think if people really read Martin Luther King, Jr., then they would begin to understand what he really represented. Particularly in the South, efforts continue to be made to deny blacks access to the polls, even where blacks constitute the majority of the voters.
Marcus Samuelsson Most cultures traditionally link food and spirituality directly with periodic restrictions and celebrations punctuating the year. Abstinence from particular foods or full-on fasting is part of many religious traditions and holidays. – Marcus Samuelsson
J Robert Oppenheimer Scientists are not delinquents. Our work has changed the conditions in which men live, but the use made of these changes is the problem of governments, not of scientists. – J Robert Oppenheimer
Maya Beiser I decided that I wanted to explore all kinds of music with my cello, not just the Western classical tradition. I just wanted to try and expand my vocabulary and bring that different kind of music to my audience. – Maya Beiser
Robert Eggers Guillermo del Toro is able to invent his worlds. I would find the pressure of having to invent crippling. – Robert Eggers
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