FunnyStephen Leacock It is to be observed that ‘angling’ is the name given to fishing by people who can’t fish. – Stephen Leacock Angling Quotes Fish Quotes Fishing Quotes Funny Quotes Observed Quotes People Quotes In order for comedy to be funny you have to play the truth of the moment. But if you’re not being completely truthful to the basis of the character, its not going to be funny. You have to imagine you write a show about a sponge and you think that maybe a few people will think it is funny, some college students, but it takes off. It is truly shocking – to the point where it is bizarre.
Sia I don’t do sessions for myself ever. I’m always working, writing for pop sessions. And what happens is that sometimes I like a song so much, I keep it for myself. – Sia
Brooke Sweat It’s really easy to get caught up in all the catty-ness of the volleyball. – Brooke Sweat
Elizabeth Mitchell I did theater for 15 years, and I spent a lot of time as an understudy. – Elizabeth Mitchell
Iain Sinclair Hackney at certain epochs has given itself suburban airs and graces, before being slapped down and consigned once more to the dump bin of aborted ambition. – Iain Sinclair
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