Lois Frankel It just comes out of my subconscious. If you asked me to draw you a doodle, I couldn’t do it. – Lois Frankel Doodle Quotes Draw Quotes Subconscious Quotes Our military personnel sacrifice for us, and we need to stand up for them. Once you’ve been a mayor, you look to try to get things done.
Satish Kumar With slight risk of exaggeration you could say that he walked almost every mile of the Indian land. – Satish Kumar
Chris Eubank Sr I don’t drink in public. I don’t swear on TV. All I want is for people to say Chris Eubank is an all-right guy. – Chris Eubank Sr
Maureen O'Hara I dainty little lass I wasn’t. I looked twice my age until I turned 10 or 11. – Maureen O’Hara
Dick Van Dyke I don’t think we’ve got much of a chance to tell you the truth. But our main problem is our audience skews a little older than most shows, and I don’t think our people can stay up that late. I certainly can’t. – Dick Van Dyke
Michelle Gomez I feel so Scottish when I go abroad, and I’m so proud of it, but for me, it’s not a political statement – I just happen to be Scottish. – Michelle Gomez
Elton John I’ve always wanted to smash a guitar over someone’s head. You just can’t do that with a piano. – Elton John
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