Linda Lingle It pains me deeply to see members of my own party attempting to legislate women’s health and contraception choices. – Linda Lingle Attempting Quotes Choices Quotes Contraception Quotes Deeply Quotes Health Quotes Legislate Quotes Pains Quotes Party Quotes Womens Quotes Electing pro-choice Republican women can help foster a discussion that reflects the full spectrum of views and can lead to a more balanced and responsible public dialogue. Throughout my political career, I’ve believed in the concept of home rule. Some call it local control. Whichever phrase you use, the concept is the same – the best decisions are those made closest to those who will be impacted by the decisions.
Ron Johnson One of the promises I made when I ran was, I’ll never vote with my reelection in mind. – Ron Johnson
Kym Whitley I’m always fighting with profanity and Christian comedy. I’m telling you, it’s always a fight. Because my father said to me, he said, ‘Well, Kym, I feel like comics and people that use profanity, you have a lack of vocabulary, actually, a whole lot.’ – Kym Whitley
Norman MacCaigPoetry And if they haven’t got poetry in them, there’s nothing you can do that will produce it. – Norman MacCaig
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