David Simon It seems that in Baltimore, one of the most violent cities in America, jurors are far more reluctant to convict criminal defendants than in the suburban enclaves that ring the city. – David Simon America Quotes Baltimore Quotes Cities Quotes City Quotes Convict Quotes Criminal Quotes Defendants Quotes Enclaves Quotes Jurors Quotes Reluctant Quotes Suburban Quotes Violent Quotes The why is what makes journalism an adult game. The why is what makes policy coherent and useful. The why is what transforms bureaucrats and foot soldiers and political leaders into viable instruments of rational and affirmative change. The why is everything and without it, the very suggestion of human progress becomes a cosmic joke. There came this point where I sat down with all my notebooks and I had to start to write, when I thought: this whole notion of writing for the person who understands nothing, the average reader… He has to die! I can’t have him in my head. And so the person I started writing for was the homicide detective.
Lakeith Stanfield Although rap is about boasting, it’s also about honesty and expressing your emotions. – Lakeith Stanfield
Madhura Naik I have been blessed with a family, mother especially, who started buying me fancy shoes from the time I took baby steps. – Madhura Naik
P R Sreejesh When you are in the field you just need to give your best, it doesn’t matter whether you are the lone goalkeeper or not. – P R Sreejesh
Brooke Hogan With a certain amount of time, people can’t be crucified for what they’ve done wrong. It’s what I always tell people. – Brooke Hogan
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