Joe Garcia It shows courage, and it shows commitment to move beyond the status-quo politics of rhetoric, which is all the Cuban-American community has received from any party for the last half century. – Joe Garcia Century Quotes Commitment Quotes Community Quotes Courage Quotes Cubanamerican Quotes Party Quotes Politics Quotes Received Quotes Rhetoric Quotes Statusquo Quotes Our policies should be to help develop civil society and increase contacts with people. The last time the Diaz-Balarts were removed from power, it took a revolution, and we ended up with Fidel Castro.
Bam Margera Actually, I’ve always wanted to be a professional skateboarder ever since I was about six. – Bam Margera
Brian Eno Musicians are there in front of you, and the spectators sense their tension, which is not the case when you’re listening to a record. Your attention is more relaxed. The emotional aspect is more important in live music. – Brian Eno
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