Louise Linton It so saddens me that people don’t give other people the benefit of the doubt in the way they’d want to be given it. – Louise Linton Benefit Quotes Doubt Quotes People Quotes Saddens Quotes I’m adventurous; I like change. I don’t really believe in torpedoing someone’s career when they’ve been absolved of doing something.
Isaac Marion I used to split my time between writing, music and painting. I would work on a book and then abandon it, start a band, do an album, quit music, then do a gallery show. Eventually I decided to give writing a serious shot. – Isaac Marion
ArchitectureDavid Chipperfield Seeing architecture differently from the way you see the rest of life is a bit weird. I believe one should be consistent in all that one does, from the books you read to the way you bring up your children. Everything you do is connected. – David Chipperfield
Sirio Maccioni I was born in a house where my family lived for 300 years. I was born in the home where my grandfather was born in. – Sirio Maccioni
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