Matt Barnes It starts on the defensive end, but it’s also just the ball movement and holding everyone accountable. – Matt Barnes Accountable Quotes Ball Quotes Defensive Quotes Holding Quotes Movement Quotes Starts Quotes Ever since I lost my mom, I’m really just trying to give back. At first, we were doing screenings and paying for surgeries, but now I’ve been fortunate enough to team with UCLA, and we’re creating a scholarship program for kids who beat cancer. We can’t beat any team by ourselves.
Sherry Yard If someone wants to order a cake, I might say, ‘OK, when do you want to eat it? What time are your guests arriving? 6 P.M.? So you might be done with dinner around 8:30? Fine, you can pick up the cake at 4. Any earlier than that, it won’t be good, it won’t be fresh.’ – Sherry Yard
Stephanie Winston Wolkoff After being at Vogue’ for two years in PR, I decided to bring all events in-house. That’s how I became the director of events. – Stephanie Winston Wolkoff
Robert Kurson Pirates did not store all their treasures in treasure chests, then bury them and draw maps to them. That’s a movie invention. In reality, pirates spent their money as fast as they could steal it because they knew they were living on borrowed time. They didn’t want to wait around to enjoy the money. – Robert Kurson
Adrienne Mayor An ancient Scythian nomad skeleton buried with an eagle was reportedly excavated near Aktobe Gorge, Kazakhstan. Ancient petroglyphs in the Altai region depict eagle hunters, and inscribed Chinese stone reliefs show eagles perched on the arms of hunters in tunics, trousers, and boots, identified as northern nomads (1st to 2nd century A.D.). – Adrienne Mayor
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