Holland Taylor It took a long time to get to the place in my career where I could pick and choose what I wanted to do. – Holland Taylor Career Quotes Choose Quotes Pick Quotes Time Quotes I’ve always had a hunger for realizing myself through my career.
GodMenNaturePlato All men are by nature equal, made all of the same earth by one Workman; and however we deceive ourselves, as dear unto God is the poor peasant as the mighty prince. – Plato
Brianna Brown When I was little, I was very loud and loved performing in front of people. I was fearless. When I hit puberty, I became very shy and self-conscious. I still get nervous sometimes before shooting and definitely before big auditions. – Brianna Brown
Breyten Breytenbach In dancing with the enemy one follows his steps even if counting under one’s breath. – Breyten Breytenbach
Pilou Asbaek I watched ‘Eurovision.’ And I actually like the show. I like wind machines. I like the whole glimmer-glamour thing. That’s ‘Eurovision.’ We love to hate it. – Pilou Asbaek
James Mirrlees When things begin to go bad, the perception of people makes it worse. – James Mirrlees
Jamie Hince I start the day off with a pot of coffee, and I read all the newspapers online, then I delve around for new music. – Jamie Hince
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