Ken Berry It used to be my ambition to emulate Fred Astaire on the stage and in motion picture musicals. – Ken Berry Ambition Quotes Astaire Quotes Emulate Quotes Fred Quotes Motion Quotes Musicals Quotes Picture Quotes Stage Quotes I had found my niche working in a trade I love with reasonable hours. I came to Hollywood to be a movie song-and-dance man just at the time those films were going out of style.
BirthdayZoe Bell I did drama at school and when I was doubling Xena, one time for my birthday mom and dad bought me an acting course ’cause I’ve always liked the performance side of anything. – Zoe Bell
Ahmed Chalabi It will be a war of national liberation. We believe the people reject totalitarianism. – Ahmed Chalabi
Jan C TingLegal The U.S. immigration system is the most generous in the world, providing each year more green cards for legal permanent residence with a clear path to full citizenship than all the rest of the nations of the world combined. – Jan C Ting
Jake Johnson If I took over the ‘Glamour’ offices for a day, I would put Joe Pesci on the cover. I would say ‘We’ve got to change all these magazines a little bit. We have to bring out a different version of what is, like, cool. You know, what’s winning. Joe Pesci, Burt Reynolds.’ – Jake Johnson
Emeli Sande We started very slow in America. It was small acoustic shows. We played places like Los Angeles, New York and Chicago and everywhere there has been a great reaction. It has been really lovely. They listen to the lyrics and the melody over there and the reaction has been fantastic. – Emeli Sande
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