Reggie Miller It used to be you a needed a true center to win championships, but now the point guard position holds just as much weight. – Reggie Miller Center Quotes Championships Quotes Guard Quotes Holds Quotes Position Quotes TRUE Quotes Weight Quotes Win Quotes I think the character of a man is to establish something where no one else has ever done before. Having played in the league during the ’80s, ’90s, and the new millennium (old, I know), I had the chance to see firsthand how the best point guards of our time played the game.
Joe Dante Repetitiveness is one of the things that’s most difficult to get away from in genre pictures, because people come specifically to see certain kinds of things but get disappointed if they’re presented in the same way. So to try to find a new way to show old stuff is always the challenge. – Joe Dante
Lee Siegel Television has to reflect back to you your own sense of security. It also has to mirror your sense of your own decency and your own limitations. – Lee Siegel
Bob Peterson My cartoon strips in college strived to have the Schulzian mix of surrealism and Charlie Brown angst. A bit of that combo shows up in ‘Up.’ – Bob Peterson
Melissa Rosenberg Directing doesn’t appeal to me. I’m much more in the world of ideas. My husband is a director, and I understand what it takes to direct. It’s a skill set where you have to be able to talk to actors and understand them, and I don’t. It’s a very different way of being in the world, and I much prefer writing and producing. – Melissa Rosenberg
Norman MacCaig If I wrote a play with four characters every single one of them would talk like me regardless of age or sex. – Norman MacCaig
DietLiya Kebede For my diet, I choose mostly organic. But in general, I am a big believer in trying to strike a balance with everything. – Liya Kebede
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