Mo Ibrahim It was a no-brainer that the cellular route would be a great success in Africa. – Mo Ibrahim Africa Quotes Cellular Quotes Nobrainer Quotes Route Quotes Success Quotes Business people get many undeserved prizes – golden parachutes and bonuses even when companies fail. I don’t think people should get rewarded for screwing up. I ended up being a businessman unwittingly. I wanted to be an academic; I wanted to be like Einstein.
Peter V Brett There have been discussions of doing ‘The Demon Cycle’ on both large and small screen scale, and while there is no project currently in development, I think the series has both the big imagery and complex character development to have legs either as a TV series or film franchise. – Peter V Brett
Hilary Knight My favorite country that I have visited would have to be Sweden. I’m such a sucker for the Swedish culture, and I learned Swedish in college, so I like to try and navigate my way around. – Hilary Knight
Robert Jeffress The most loving action you can take for your family is to share the Good News and continue to share it. Most importantly, live and respond in such a way that they see something different in you and want to know and understand the difference. – Robert Jeffress
Abraham Verghese As a young physician in the mid-’80s, caring for people who had contracted H.I.V., I lost two of my patients to suicide at a time when the virus was doing very little harm to them. I have always thought of them as having been killed by a metaphor, by the burden of secrecy and shame associated with the disease. – Abraham Verghese
Dick Sargent It was such a relief. I lived in fear of being found out. Now it’s given me a whole new mission in life. – Dick Sargent
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