Daniel Woodrell It was in a grim room on Eddy Street that I finally opened ‘A Moveable Feast.’ I read it all overnight. I read it again the next day. – Daniel Woodrell Day Quotes Eddy Quotes Feast Quotes Finally Quotes Grim Quotes Moveable Quotes Overnight Quotes Read Quotes Street Quotes I’ve always been fascinated by the Mississippi River and the way of life in these small river towns. In February of 1972, a snowstorm blew into Kansas City, and I decided to hitchhike to California. The roads were icy, snowflakes howling, and nobody would drive me to the highway, so I humped through the snow and ice and caught a ride with a concerned cop to the Kansas Turnpike.
A Bartlett GiamattiSports Major sports are major parts of society. It’s not anomalous to have people who love sports come from other parts of that society. – A Bartlett Giamatti
Coleman Hawkins I made the tenor sax – there’s nobody plays like me and I don’t play like anybody else. – Coleman Hawkins
Bobby Knight I don’t understand the NBA in that, each time they bring in a one-and-done kid, they have to release a veteran player on a roster. I don’t understand why their players association condones that. – Bobby Knight
Steven Rattner The largest number of jobs likely to be created by the JOBS Act will be for lawyers needed to clean up the mess that it will create. – Steven Rattner
Byron Dorgan The U.S. Constitution is the basic framework for the greatest democracy on Earth. Some of my colleagues find it easy to amend it. I don’t. – Byron Dorgan
Jim Carroll Poetry can unleash a terrible fear. I suppose it is the fear of possibilities, too many possibilities, each with its own endless set of variations… With basketball, you can correct your own mistakes, immediately and beautifully, in midair. – Jim Carroll
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