James Lind It was indeed not very sound. However, those who had taken it, were in a fairer way of recovery than the others at the end of the fortnight, which was the length of time all these different courses were continued, except the oranges. – James Lind Continued Quotes Courses Quotes Fairer Quotes Fortnight Quotes Oranges Quotes Recovery Quotes Sound Quotes Time Quotes Let it them be put into any clean oven vessel of china or stoneware which should be wider at the top than at the bottom. so that there may be the largest surface above to favor the evaporation. Into this pour the purified juice: and put it into a pan of water come almost to a boil and continue nearly in the state of boiling until the juice is found to be the consistency of a thick syrup when cold. It is then when cold, to be corked up in a bottle for use.
Ban Ki-moon Within the U.N. itself, I have appointed a record number of women to high-level positions. I did not fill jobs with women just for the sake of it – I looked for the best possible candidate, and I found that if you strip away discrimination, the best possible candidate is often a woman. – Ban Ki-moon
Stephen Jackson I came into the NBA not looking at it as a job but the same way I did when I was playing at the Y. I was just getting a paid a lot of money to do it, that’s all. – Stephen Jackson
Josh McDaniels Practice is tough. We try to purposely make it difficult on our players on whatever it is that we’re trying to do during the week to get ready for that opponent so that we see the most difficult looks, so that we make our players aware of the things that could certainly impact the game in a negative fashion. – Josh McDaniels
Mark Goulston Self-esteem should not be confused with self-confidence. Self-confidence is believing in your competence and your ability to do something, whereas self-esteem is believing in your goodness. – Mark Goulston
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