MarriageMeg Ryan It was not a healthy marriage for long time. It was never about another man, it was about what my and Dennis’s relationship could not sustain. – Meg Ryan Denniss Quotes Healthy Quotes Marriage Quotes Relationship Quotes Sustain Quotes Time Quotes Marriage is marriage. Everybody has problems. That’s my prescription for a happy marriage – marry someone who doesn’t do anything similar to what you do.
Ronald D Moore I’m an agnostic in the truest sense of the word. I think about these things – I grew up Roman Catholic, I’ve been interested in Hinduism, in Eastern religions, but I’m not dedicated to anything – I go through periods where I think maybe it’s all nonsense; maybe it’s ‘The Matrix…’ I’m open to various ideas. – Ronald D Moore
PeaceYayoi Kusama More and more, I think about the role of the arts, and as an artist, I think that it’s important that I share the love and peace. – Yayoi Kusama
Michael Specter Humanity has nearly suffocated the globe with carbon dioxide, yet nuclear power plants that produce no such emissions are so mired in objections and obstruction that, despite renewed interest on every continent, it is unlikely another will be built in the United States. – Michael Specter
Edgar Wright All of my films have been very dialogue-heavy, and that’s great. It always makes it more of a challenge to market in other countries. – Edgar Wright
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