Jefferson Davis It was one of the compromises of the Constitution that the slave property in the Southern States should be recognized as property throughout the United States. – Jefferson Davis Compromises Quotes Constitution Quotes Property Quotes Recognized Quotes Slave Quotes Southern Quotes United Quotes The right solemnly proclaimed at the birth of the States, and which has been affirmed and reaffirmed in the bills of rights of the States subsequently admitted into the Union of 1789, undeniably recognizes in the people the power to resume the authority delegated for the purposes of Government. Obstacles may retard, but they cannot long prevent the progress of a movement sanctioned by its justice and sustained by a virtuous people.
Brian Deese Strategic public investment to shelter and grow champion industries is a reality of the 21st century economy. We cannot ignore or wish this away. – Brian Deese
Henry Sy The constant expansion of our malls and stores are proof of the fact that our holistic approach to development benefits not just us but also all the communities in which we operate. – Henry Sy
EuripidesFood When a man’s stomach is full it makes no difference whether he is rich or poor. – Euripides
Mark Harmon I was raised with the idea of maximum effort: as long as you could look in the mirror and say, ‘I gave it everything I had,’ it was OK. But if you gave it less, that would disgrace you. – Mark Harmon
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