Ruth Asawa It wasn’t stone. It wasn’t welded steel. It wasn’t traditional sculpture. They thought it was craft, or something else, but not art. They couldn’t define it in the early Fifties when I was starting out. – Ruth Asawa Art Quotes Craft Quotes Define Quotes Fifties Quotes Sculpture Quotes Starting Quotes Steel Quotes Stone Quotes Traditional Quotes Welded Quotes If a nonartist teaches a subject called art, it is nonart. Because I had the children, I chose to have my studio in my home. I wanted them to understand my work and learn how to work.
Oscar Isaac What’s funny in ‘The Mayor of MacDougal Street’ is how Dave Van Ronk talks a lot about the time and how exciting it was and how electric it was. – Oscar Isaac
Scott Weiland Who you are as a performer is one thing, but when you’re making records, you’re dealing with musicians’ tastes, their goals, their wants, their needs, everyone’s individual pride. – Scott Weiland
Michelle Dean Even the best novelists are rarely congratulated on the quality of their observations about contemporary life. – Michelle Dean
Ant Anstead Every member of the Beatles drove a Radford. Enzo Ferrari, Steve McQueen, Peter Sellers, Twiggy, they all had one. So it had this really kind of cult, celebrity following. – Ant Anstead
ArtCommunicationWill Durant To say nothing, especially when speaking, is half the art of diplomacy. – Will Durant
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