Clifford D Simak It would seem to me that by the time a race has achieved deep space capability it would have matured to a point where it would have no thought of dominating another intelligent species. – Clifford D Simak Achieved Quotes Capability Quotes Deep Quotes Dominating Quotes Intelligent Quotes Matured Quotes Race Quotes Space Quotes Species Quotes Time Quotes Must faith be exactly that, the willingness and ability to believe in the face of a lack of evidence? If one could find the evidence, would then the faith be dead? It was a place without a single feature of the space-time matrix that he knew. It was a place where nothing yet had happened – an utter emptiness. There was neither light nor dark: there was nothing here but emptiness.
Oscar Munoz I represent the interests of almost 90,000 human beings in our system. That’s by far my first and foremost commitment. – Oscar Munoz
Samira Wiley I eat a lot. I probably eat more than anybody that I know. I’ll go on set and get a plate of bacon, a bagel, an omelet, boiled eggs, fresh fruit, oatmeal, fresh juice, potatoes, basically anything that’s there. I don’t mean that I alternate between these things. I’ll eat all of this for breakfast. – Samira Wiley
Nick Johnson I think maybe L.A. or San Francisco could be rushed, but Sacramento is just laid back! – Nick Johnson
Marc Randolph In fact, I’m happy to go on record as saying that the ability to create a reality distortion field is right up there alongside optimism as an entrepreneur’s most valuable weapon. – Marc Randolph
Richard Trumka You see, to me, it doesn’t really matter if an elected official has a D or an R behind her name, or his name. I honestly don’t give a damn about who belongs to either political party. – Richard Trumka
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