John Cho It’d be nice if Asian actors could be perceived as profitable, which is the bottom line. We’re perceived as not mattering much fiscally. – John Cho Actors Quotes Asian Quotes Fiscally Quotes Mattering Quotes Nice Quotes Perceived Quotes Profitable Quotes Just because it’s in a movie doesn’t mean it’s real. You know, I always root for the older athlete. I root for the second album. I root for solo careers after the rock star breaks the band apart.
Eric Stonestreet I like the Open Window Fresh WetJet scent; it smells pretty good as you are using it. I like fresh and clean smells, so it makes sense that I would also be partnered with Swiffer because that is what they are all about: making your house all fresh and clean. – Eric Stonestreet
Aleksander Kwasniewski And still the time, especially in the economy, is very tough, very difficult. It’s necessary to be active still, to work, to fight, to make our economy more competitive. – Aleksander Kwasniewski
Sisqo You know, I’m from Baltimore; nobody has anything. When somebody had talent, I was hiring my uncle, my cousin, you know? Getting people that I knew to run the studio. – Sisqo
Gina Rinehart If a special economic zone worked as I do believe it would in the North, then hopefully we could extend it further south. It could certainly have benefits for an even wider area of Australia. – Gina Rinehart
Bruce Campbell Actors who say they can dive inside a character are either schizophrenic or lying. – Bruce Campbell
Daniel Ellsberg It was a good 15 or 20 years before anyone at Rand would be in the same room with me. They didn’t want the question raised, ‘What’s your relationship with Daniel Ellsberg?’ And not one of them wrote me a letter because they didn’t want a letter of theirs to show up in my trash – which the FBI had been going through. – Daniel Ellsberg
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