Paul Rust It’s a lot of people’s goal to be the lead in a movie, and that was never my goal. I just wanted to be the third banana in an ensemble comedy. – Paul Rust Banana Quotes Comedy Quotes Ensemble Quotes Goal Quotes Lead Quotes Lot Quotes Movie Quotes Peoples Quotes Being sincere and true to yourself is a scary thing but, ultimately, a rewarding one. I come from standup and improv.
Laura Innes And it’s sort of an old-fashioned ER, in that it’s very much about the medicine, and how these people cope. There’s very little about the personal lives of the characters. – Laura Innes
HistoryRabih Alameddine A phoenix, Beirut seems to always pull itself out its ashes, reinvents itself, has been conquered numerous times in its 7,000-year history, yet it survives by both becoming whatever its conquerors wished it to be and retaining its idiosyncratic persona. – Rabih Alameddine
Chris Coleman That’s not always a nice feeling when you’ve given everything, and it’s not enough – it’s an empty feeling. – Chris Coleman
Chanda Kochhar When we look at the credit growth, we should look at it in its totality. Let us not only look at the non-food bank credit growth but also look at the growth across all the instruments of financing. – Chanda Kochhar
Sam Raimi As I began making my feature films, it was a great adventure. It was about constructing something I saw in my head or I had designed on storyboards and capturing that on film. – Sam Raimi
Nick Denton You know how the best story angles often spring from that thought you have on reading an article or watching a show – that thought you have before the responsible journalist in you comes up with something boring. I usually recommend people get in touch with their deep ‘reptilian brain.’ – Nick Denton
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