Ariel Levy It’s a profound thing to watch another human being come out of your body. – Ariel Levy Body Quotes Human Quotes Profound Quotes Watch Quotes I haven’t really rebelled. I just think my parents were right. I never disagreed with anything that I was brought up with, in terms of their values or politics. There is a widespread assumption that simply because my generation of women has the good fortune to live in a world touched by the feminist movement, that means everything we do is magically imbued with its agenda, but it doesn’t work that way.
Mick TaylorTechnology These days there’s so much technology and ways you can learn. There are videos and CD roms. – Mick Taylor
Richard Jefferies The heart has a yearning for the unknown, a longing to penetrate the deep shadow and the winding glade, where, as it seems, no human foot has been. – Richard Jefferies
Sigrid Making vocal hooks is my favorite thing to do. That’s what I love about songwriting – making catchy stuff. – Sigrid
David LynchHappiness Life should be blissful, and blissful doesn’t mean just a small happiness. It’s huge. It is profound. – David Lynch
Patrick O'Brian In my case, I write in the past because I’m not really part of the present. I have nothing valid to say about anything current, though I have something to say about what existed then. – Patrick O’Brian
Peter Sunde I’ve been a member of the Swedish Green Party at the same time as the Swedish Socialist Party. Both are very progressive parties, though they’re not always in sync with their other European counterparts. – Peter Sunde
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