Marcus Berg It’s always important to be on the scoresheet and also to make assists. – Marcus Berg Assists Quotes Scoresheet Quotes I have to stay in front to try and create chances and be in the right place in the box. But I’m professional: if I need to do extra training I do extra training.
Lukas Foss Yes, influences are enriching, and they can be found in every work of art, even the most original. – Lukas Foss
Rodney Frelinghuysen Some residents, I suspect, may be politically motivated in suggesting that having two members of Congress lessens Montclair’s clout. Quite to the contrary. I think it increases Montclair’s visibility – as a matter of fact, Essex County’s visibility. – Rodney Frelinghuysen
Jamie Lee Curtis I’m uninterested in superheroes. I am only interested in real stories, real people, real connection. – Jamie Lee Curtis
Matthew Moy I watch the weirdest things. I watch old episodes of ‘Golden Girls’ because my mom watches it, so I grew up watching that. Sometimes I watch reruns of ‘Futurama,’ which is a cartoon and not based in the real world at all. – Matthew Moy
Charlotte Lamb I am interested in writing how women really feel, how they really think, and how they respond to men. I don’t want men reading my books because they might find out too much. – Charlotte Lamb
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