Sarah Parcak It’s an important tool to focus where we’re excavating. It gives us a much bigger perspective on archaeological sites. We have to think bigger, and that’s what the satellites allow us to do. – Sarah Parcak Archaeological Quotes Bigger Quotes Excavating Quotes Focus Quotes Perspective Quotes Satellites Quotes Sites Quotes Tool Quotes Indiana Jones is old school; we’ve moved on from Indy. Sorry, Harrison Ford. We can tell from the imagery a tomb was looted from a particular period of time, and we can alert INTERPOL to watch out for antiquities from that time that may be offered for sale.
Naftali Bennett Can you imagine what will happen to the global economy if Iran comes out with a nuclear weapon? The whole area will enter a nuclear race – Saudi Arabia, Turkey. – Naftali Bennett
Nick Swardson I started in the club route. I did the alternative scene later on. When I lived in New York, I did the Luna Lounge and stuff, where Janeane Garofalo and David Cross and all those guys worked out of, but I came from a comedy club background. I’m proud of that background. I’m one of the people that really crossed over and did both. – Nick Swardson
Marcia Muller We writers of series fiction tend to idealize ourselves in our characters, giving them attributes we wish we possessed and ever more interesting lives. – Marcia Muller
AJ Tracey I’m a very vengeful person – if someone didn’t wanna get on board with me and I’m doing it well I’m gonna rub it in their face. – AJ Tracey
Gertrude Himmelfarb The real movement of history, it turns out, is fueled not by matter but by spirit, by the will to freedom. – Gertrude Himmelfarb
Roberto Di Matteo We want to challenge ourselves against the top teams in the world and are happy to be competing on so many fronts. And, personally, it’s great for me to work with the quality of player we have here at Chelsea. – Roberto Di Matteo
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