Jerry Reinsdorf It’s bad for baseball to have owners who can benefit another business by losing money in baseball. – Jerry Reinsdorf Bad Quotes Baseball Quotes Benefit Quotes Business Quotes Losing Quotes Money Quotes Owners Quotes I had a vision of how basketball should be played. And the vision was the Knicks teams that won the championship in 1970 and 1973. I wanted a team that emphasized defense. I wanted a team that on offense had a system where players moved off the ball, and the ball moved. I haven’t said anything bad about Fay Vincent publicly, and I won’t. I like him personally.
Roy Cooper I grew up and raised my family in Nash County in rural Eastern North Carolina. Small towns and rural communities like mine offer special opportunities for so many families. I want them to prosper. – Roy Cooper
T Boone Pickens Work eight hours and sleep eight hours and make sure that they are not the same hours. – T Boone Pickens
FreedomRudy Giuliani Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do. – Rudy Giuliani
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