Masayoshi Son It’s easy to look at where your pieces are now and place the next one nearby. – Masayoshi Son Easy Quotes Nearby Quotes Pieces Quotes We saw a big bang in PCs; we saw a big bang in the Internet. I believe the next big bang is going to be even bigger. To be ready for that, we need to set the foundation, and that foundation is SoftBank Vision Fund. I am the largest shareholder in SoftBank; I share the same interest as the other shareholders.
Herm Edwards I grew up in the early ’60s, and there was a lot of civil rights, a lot of unrest in our country. – Herm Edwards
Drew Houston One of the great things about moving to Silicon Valley is that you’re surrounded by all these people who’ve done it before. This place is an assembly line that takes a couple of twenty-somethings and walks you through everything you need to learn. – Drew Houston
Jessalyn Gilsig I think that everybody’s worked on shows where you feel like maybe a divide has happened between the talent and the crew. Those are the hardest jobs to do your best in, because as you’re performing, you’re aware that the people around you, because they haven’t been afforded the respect that they deserve, they’re not as invested. – Jessalyn Gilsig
Latto I feel like the older I get the more I have to talk about, the more educated I am, the more I learn everyday. – Latto
Charlie Heaton When something steps in from the work you are doing and breaks into your personal life… you feel kind of vulnerable. – Charlie Heaton
Fathers DaySidney Poitier I decided in my life that I would do nothing that did not reflect positively on my father’s life. – Sidney Poitier
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