David Linley It’s extraordinary how a physical disability makes people think that somebody is frail. – David Linley Disability Quotes Extraordinary Quotes Frail Quotes People Quotes Physical Quotes My father’s rooms, as a child, were a very exciting place to be. Not only because of the beautiful models who were coming to be photographed for Vogue or The Sunday Times but also because of the very avant-garde furniture that he had made. He made designs for the investiture of the Prince of Wales in 1969 at Caernarfon Castle. Wood is very warm and sensual and meant to be touched.
Shailene Woodley For me, acting is about the art of it and it’s about being on a film set and doing your thing, painting a blank canvas. – Shailene Woodley
Julie Wainwright Failure is ultimately very liberating. Once you come out the other side of it, you just might have faced one of your biggest fears and lived. The other side of failure is a big elimination of fear of failure. Trust me, that is an amazing gift. – Julie Wainwright
T J Miller It is good to connect to someone who reminds you that you have some real authenticity. – T J Miller
Jared Dudley You can find role players everywhere, but you can’t find stars everywhere. – Jared Dudley
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