Michael Morpurgo It’s good to focus on the universal suffering that goes on in any war. Whatever the right and wrongs of the war, there is always universal suffering. – Michael Morpurgo Focus Quotes Suffering Quotes Universal Quotes War Quotes Wrongs Quotes Much that is great in literature is an acquired taste, and you have to acquire it in the first place. Our job as parents is essentially to pass on the enthusiasm we had for the things we loved. That’s how we’ll get them to fall in love with reading in the first place and, hopefully, to stay in love with it. Access to books and the encouragement of the habit of reading: these two things are the first and most necessary steps in education and librarians, teachers and parents all over the country know it. It is our children’s right and it is also our best hope and their best hope for the future.
Joseph Brodsky Unlike life, a work of art never gets taken for granted: it is always viewed against its precursors and predecessors. – Joseph Brodsky
Jane Lynch When you get out of school, you just go where the wind blows: Here’s an audition; there’s an audition. And before you know it, you’re where you’re supposed to be. And that was Second City. – Jane Lynch
Charlie Dent There is no clear sign that the economy is turning the corner in a meaningful way. – Charlie Dent
Daniella Alonso There are those special projects that don’t ever feel like work but just a blessing to be a part of, and ‘Revolution’ is one of those projects. – Daniella Alonso
Art Alexakis Being a child that grew up with a single mom back in the ’70s, Father’s Day to me was always a very uncomfortable time. At school, we would make Father’s Day cards for our dads, and I usually mailed one to my dad, and he hardly ever responded. – Art Alexakis
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